MARSOC SERE REQUIRED GEAR LIST UNCLASSIFIED Update 05 Feb 2013Student must have on their person at all times during field trainingBoonie

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  • Milsim and Airsoft

    MilSim is an abbreviation of Military Simulation, and refers to military simulations conducted by civilians

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  • Operation Phantom Furry

    In March 2004, ghastly photos of Americans hanging from a bridge in the Iraqi city of Fallujah appeared

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  • Naval Special Warfare Development Group

    Naval Special Warfare Development Group, otherwise known as 'DEVGRU' or 'SEAL Team 6', is a Counter Terrorism unit administered by US Naval Special Warfare Command

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    MARSOC SERE REQUIRED GEAR LIST UNCLASSIFIED Update 05 Feb 2013Student must have on their person at all times during field trainingBoonie

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  • Milsim and Airsoft

    MilSim is an abbreviation of Military Simulation, and refers to military simulations conducted by civilians

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

RRV (Rhodesian Recon Vest)

Rhodesian Recon Vest The Rhodesian Reconnaissance Vest (RRS-V-MS) is a flexible and inexpensive frontal MOLLE platform with the ability to carry a ceramic body armor plate inside. The shoulders offer MBSS attachment points that can be positioned straight over or be crossed in the back. When looking for a simpler, lower profile system, the front bib folds down out of the way. FEATURES• Front bib folds down out of the...

LBT 6094 (London Bridge Trading)

Carrier, Plates (Level IV), MODULAR Front and Back, Adjustable MODULAR Side Panels, Medium/LargeGeneral Features The ultimate in plate carrier performance MODULAR web attachment points on entire vest profile provide maximum versatility Front, back, and side plate compatible Quick release tabs for front and back plate removal Concealable rear adjustment in cummerbund style side panels constructed with elastic for comfort and ease...

JPC (Jumpable Plate Carrier)

The Crye Precision JPC (Jumpable Plate Carrier) caused quite a buzz when it was unveiled at the 2010 SHOT Show. Some changes have been made since then, and the updated production version was shown at the 2011 SHOT Show. The JPC is an extremely light weight, packable, minimalist plate carrier that weighs just over one pound. Even so, Crye has been able to incorporate features into its design that many more complex plate carriers don't have.  DEVGRU  Overview...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Milsim & Airsoft

MilSim is an abbreviation of Military Simulation, and refers to military simulations conducted by civilians for entertainment purposes. There are several forms of MilSim: airsoft games, paintball games, and video games simulating military scenarios and tactics.Weapons used in MilSim are commonly airsoft or paintball guns. Airsoft guns are used more often in MilSim than paintball guns due to their availability as replica weapons without...

Operation Phantom Furry

In March 2004, ghastly photos of Americans hanging from a bridge in the Iraqi city of Fallujah appeared in the press; and, consequently, the “stuff” hit the proverbial fan. The sight of Sunni Iraqis cheering “Allahu akbar” flashed through the mainstream media like a lightning bolt. TV commentator Bill O’Reilly stated: “We should make the people of Fallujah bathe in their own blood.” And it was reported that President George W. Bush,...

M4A1 Carbine

The M4A1 Carbine is a shortened version of the M16A2 assault rifle manufactured by Colt. The M4A1 is a favorite amongst US Special Operations Forces. The M4A1 variant comes with a safe / semi-auto / automatic trigger groups as apposed to the safe / semi-auto / 3-round burst configuration found on standard M4s. A version with a 10' barrel, known as the CQBR, is also in use with Naval Special Warfare Units such as the SEALs. M4A1 Specifications weight:...

Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU) Tim Six

Naval Special Warfare Development Group, otherwise known as 'DEVGRU' or 'SEAL Team 6', is a Counter Terrorism unit administered by US Naval Special Warfare Command. An elite within an elite, the unit is made up of SEALs selected from existing SEAL Teams. DEVGRU is considered a 'Tier One' special mission unit on a par with the Army's Delta Force. SEAL Team Six is under operational command of JSOC. SEAL Team Six - Organization DEVGRU...